The Backdrop
Pluto Capricorn square the nodes in Aries/Libra
Pluto, through the sign of Capricorn, refers to a transmutation within our inner emotional structure and in our outer external structure, specifically the societal structure. This transmutation will be caused by merging with situations that have reached a limit within ourselves and our societies. Often, the situation will become so intense that only change can relieve it. Emotional resilience is the goal of Capricorn. It is an emotional structure built over time through various experiences that toughen up our exterior vessel.
The nodal axis is the arc of development of our inner sense of security. The SN (south node) is
our past sense of self and inner security, while the NN (north node) is our future sense of self and inner security. The nodal axis is currently on the Aries Libra continuum, where we are learning to find the balance between self and others. The SN in Libra suggests an imbalance weighted toward others within our emotional security. Here, we are overly concerned with what others will think or do. We may have catered to the other in our relationships, putting our needs and desires last. Perhaps we tend not to speak our opinions for fear that it will upset our relationships.
When Pluto is squaring the nodes, we have a skipped step. It is where we have been going along in our evolution, and we miss a step. It causes a flip-flopping between the nodes where we have trouble integrating the NN because we still need to resolve the skipped step.
The SN is the resolution. We must resolve the balance and equality between self and others. We must give our opinions and get our needs met equally to the others in our lives. Taking personal responsibility for ourselves and building emotional resilience is where the work is. We learn to speak up, we learn to get our needs met, and learn to find balance in the extremes we have been dealing with.
Pluto in Capricorn squaring the nodes is related to the emotional limitations and outer structure, or societal norms that support us putting the control of our beingness to the outside of us. As we learn to take control of our lives and make decisions from within, we will develop resilience and the ability to hold our own. This is the crisis in action, the small changes in our actions that create growth. It will smooth the path to the NN, a crisis in consciousness square. It is where our beliefs change, and we become secure within ourselves to act spontaneously to try new things and to go where guided from within.
This is the backdrop of what we are working through. We are preparing for Pluto to enter the sign of Aquarius. In the sign of Aquarius, we are breaking free from our limitations. We are individuating and learning to become our authentic selves. We will experience 20 years of
innovation, fracturing, and perhaps dealing with some intense trauma. We will need to be resilient to be able to withstand the changes that are to come.
Neptune Pisces
In its own sign of Pisces, Neptune lends an intensity to the nature of dissolving back into the oneness. Neptune and Pisces represent the end of a cycle. It is the senescence. Everything that has completed its time decays, and the energy released returns to where it came from, the totality of everything. As a water sign, we will experience a flooding of emotions. What is left is memory and meaning.
Saturn Pisces
Saturn is the planet of time, boundaries, restrictions, and limitations. It is the earthly realm, what we call the reality. It has evolved to become our societal system. It is characterized by the rules and laws that govern us. In the energy of Saturn, or Capricorn, we begin to create our own reality. As the outer reality transforms due to Pluto in Capricorn, we find ourselves in a space where we must create our own protection. When Saturn is in Pisces, we are creating boundaries where none exist.
Jupiter Direct in Taurus 12/30 9:30 pm
Jupiter stationed direct on December 30th. We have accelerated and internalized our personal truth and beliefs about our self-worth, what we need, and our ability to be self-reliant. Most importantly, we have looked at and expanded our own values. As Jupiter resumes its forward motion through Taurus, we can expand those beliefs and truths about how we can survive well. We can become free and explore our truth by aligning with other truths that resonate with us.
Jupiter sextile Saturn
It is a supportive alignment. It is where we begin to internalize the two energies, making them our own. As we start to take responsibility for ourselves by creating our own boundaries and reality among the senescent existing reality, it supports the expansion of our beliefs and truths about what we need for survival, as well as our self-reliability and self-sustainability through our own means.
Jupiter square Pluto 1st quarter square
This square is a crisis-in-action square. This energy is where two very different energies interact. It creates tension, and one side must give in. We must choose one or the other. In this case, the societal norm is crumbling. We must choose to expand our beliefs about our survival.
Uranus ® Taurus
Uranus is the energy of individuation and acceleration. It is the energy of breaking things apart. It follows Saturn, where the limitations occur. Breaking free from the limitations is where transformation and acceleration occur. When Uranus is retrograde, we are accelerating this energy and focusing it on the sign it's in, Taurus, our very survival. It is necessary to rethink and re-engage differently. It is linked to Neptune in that the boundaries of our reality are dissolving. We must review our very survival. It requires focused innovation.
Uranus ® Taurus inconjunct SN in Libra
The focused breaking apart and subsequent acceleration of how we survive, meet our needs, and gain self-esteem is currently experiencing a blindspot concerning our past way of relating to others. We cannot see it, but we experience bouts of crisis that give us hints. These crises require an inner adjustment. We must change something within ourselves to solve the issue.
NN Chiron conj. Aries
Chiron is about healing. The wound we carry is deep and cannot be healed because it is part of us. It's a sore spot that brings awareness that we have been hurt. It's about where we have been rejected both on the personal and the collective level. In this case, the wound relates to being our true selves, acting spontaneously, and being guided from within. The SN in Libra paints a very different picture. It points to our past way of relating to ourselves and others that lean heavily on the side of others. When we do something for ourselves, it's like rubbing salt in the wound. Yet, this is the way of healing through the NN. Like cures like. Doing the thing that causes the wound cures the wound.
The New Moon in Capricorn
It is a new beginning between our inner world and how we express it outside ourselves. In Capricorn, we're talking about how we protect our tender inner worlds. It is the emotional layer or resilience that forms from creating boundaries that protect our being. The Sun and Moon in Capricorn reference a new cycle in establishing emotional stability and resilience from experience, setting boundaries, and dedication to something that helps us develop wisdom. It lets us know that we can handle whatever comes at us. This is emotional maturity and mastery, which protects the polarity of raw emotions and inner insecurity of the Moon.
Sun Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn
Our inner/outer selves are beginning a new cycle in authenticity concerning how we create control within ourselves. This control is related to emotional maturity and inner wisdom gained through life experience.
The Moon is in a closing phase to Pluto. It means that we are in the process of dissolving our sense of protection from the outer world. It is at the same time in a new phase to the Sun, signifying that taking control of ourselves will lead to a new sense of purpose and authenticity.
Sun Moon Square, the node's exact
The exact square between the New Moon and the nodal axis suggests a skipped step with respect to the Moon. We haven't inwardly developed a sense of resiliency due to the constant placing of the control of our lives outside of ourselves. It causes a Filip-flopping between a past of giving our power away to others and taking charge of our actions and spontaneous nature to show up for ourselves. Like with Pluto, the SN is the resolution. We must seek a balance between self and others to integrate the ability to begin a new cycle of showing up for ourselves. The Sun square the nodes is not a skipped step but a necessary focus for this life. We must express our authenticity and purpose through setting boundaries, which will help us develop resiliency when relating to others. It's about making new choices. Try insisting on your desires for a change.
Sun Moon sextile Neptune last sextile
This new cycle between the inner and outer world concerning building inner authority through boundary setting, dedication, taking personal responsibility, and ultimately leading to a self-protected entity supports the energy of Neptune in Pisces. As Neptune progresses through the last degrees of Pisces, the outer landscape appears quite different. Much of the structure and external controls of the past are dissolving. We may be experiencing the flooding of emotions and uncertainty about where we find ourselves. This New Moon cycle is a beginning to creating our own boundaries and goalposts, helping to create a familiar structure from within. It is supportive because we couldn't create boundaries for ourselves within a system of boundaries. As the outer system becomes senescent, it gives space for us to create our own new identity and a new purpose that is in co-creation from our divine connection to spirit.
Sun Moon square Chiron/NN
This alignment refers to a last quarter square with the Moon, our inner sense of self, and creating a structure of protection and emotional resilience from within to grow and heal past wounds that have prevented us from showing up for ourselves, which is the evolutionary intention for our future identities. It is a crisis in consciousness square where we diverge from the beliefs of the social structure and begin to follow our own beliefs. New points of view present themselves. We must consider and integrate what resonates to break out of outdated beliefs. The square is a growth curve that helps us to follow our own truth. We may experience tension as new information enters our awareness. This confrontation leads us to change our beliefs.
It is a first-quarter square between the Sun and Chiron/NN conjunction. The Sun in Capricorn asks us to self-validate authentically by setting boundaries and becoming emotionally mature and resilient. The square to the Chiron/NN conjunction is a new choice that leads to growth. Whenever the Sun squares the nodes, it is a current focus.
Sun Moon trine Uranus ® Taurus
This new cycle concerns how we create control within ourselves and boundaries that protect us from the outer world. This control is related to emotional maturity and inner wisdom gained through the experience of living life. Uranus ® Taurus refers to the focused acceleration of breaking free from patterns of survival that are no longer helping us to survive. The trine to the Sun is a powerful flow of energy that allows for the integration of the intention to make it real. This same trine is in a disseminating trine to the Moon. It is where we fully insert ourselves into the social structure. Making it real on the outside and the inside, fully committed to finding security in it. Our new sense of self, with personal boundaries and emotional maturity. The personal authority to break free from survival methods no longer serves us!
Mars into Capricorn 1/5/24
Mars entered Capricorn on the 5th of January. Mars is the planet that executes Pluto's desire. As Pluto completes its journey through Capricorn, where we have been transmuting the locus of control from outside ourselves to inside, Mars in Capricorn is the energy for each of us to show up to begin a new cycle of personal authorship. It is where we start to drive the ship ourselves. We may feel some anxiety as with anything new; we have no experience with it. It is in a closing phase to the Sun, signifying an end to how we have governed ourselves in the past. The new phase with the Moon refers to a new beginning in showing up as our own authority.
Mars square Neptune
Mars is completing its square to Neptune. It is a crisis in consciousness square. Mars is beginning a cycle of showing up as our own authority, taking responsibility for ourselves, and becoming self-disciplined. Neptune in Pisces is the decay of the old structure and the emotional flooding accompanying it. The crisis in consciousness square is where we break free from old beliefs due to new information coming in. The old belief patterns are associated with the previous structure where we put the control of ourselves to the outside of us.
Mars in Capricorn trine Jupiter Taurus exact disseminating
Mars is in an exact trine to Jupiter on the New Moon. We are showing up and taking responsibility for our own actions in a new direction of self-discovery. Jupiter in Taurus is where we are expanding our beliefs about how to meet our needs, become self-reliant, and expand our self-worth. This trine is where we fully insert ourselves into the social structure—showing up as our own authority and expanding the truth about our self-worth.
Mars sesquiquadrate Uranus ® Taurus (last)
Mars in Capricorn refers to our ability to show up for a new cycle of personal authority. Uranus ® Taurus refers to an accelerated breaking free of old patterns of self-preservation. Where we have in the past placed much of the responsibility for how we survive outside of us, following societal norms and structures, we are bringing our authority into the social realm. We may struggle here as we still have responsibilities to the dissolving outer structure. This aspect is about rethinking what it means to conform.
Mars sextile Saturn (last)
Mars in Capricorn is in a last sextile aspect to Saturn in Pisces. Here, we are laying down our new structure and taking responsibility for our being in a new cycle. We have a new creative identity and are at the juncture of shifting from the past to the future.
Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune last quarter
Venus is making her way through the sign of Sagittarius. All of the inner planets have made their way through, and Venus is bringing up the rear and internalizing the expansion of truth. This alignment helps us see what beliefs we hold on to and if they still represent safety. It is a crisis in consciousness square. As Neptune in Pisces dissolves the old, worn-out realities with the subsequent emotional flooding that takes place, we may feel overwhelmed. With the outer guideposts dissolving, we must turn inward to our individual connection with the Source to guide us. New information has been coming in. We must choose whether to hold on to previous beliefs or to internalize our own truth.
Venus Sagittarius inconjunct Uranus Taurus
Aligning with our beliefs about survival, or what is true about what we have been holding on to is in a blindspot aspect to Uranus ® Taurus. Uranus ® in Taurus is helping us to break free from limitations related to our survival. What beliefs do we hold that have been holding us back? What kind of adjustments do we need to make to see more clearly? Venus in Sagittarius allows for our needs concerning survival to expand through coming into contact with new information.
Venus Sagittarius sextile SN
We are internalizing what is true and what is unnecessary to hold onto regarding beliefs. It is in a supportive alignment with the SN. In the past, we have held onto beliefs about our relationships that may not be true. We put our needs second due to fear of losing a relationship. Evaluating these beliefs helps us to reconcile the SN.
Venus Sagittarius trine Chiron/NN
Internalization of what is true and the need to expand our truth and beliefs is in a disseminating trine to the Chiron/NN conjunction. The expansion of our truth and our emotional evolution to showing up for ourselves in a new cycle of self-discovery is in a flow state of integration to insert these beliefs and our new sense of self into the social structure.
Venus Sagittarius semisquare Pluto
Internalization of what is true for us and the need to expand our truth is in a closing phase to Pluto in Capricorn. It is where the internalization of our truth is detaching or culminating concerning the completion of the dissolving societal structure.
Mercury Direct 1/01/24 conj Mars in Sagittarius (Mars conj the Galactic Center)
Mercury stationed direct on the first of the year while Mars was on the Galactic Center. Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius is a review of our belief systems. It considers new information entering our vision field and aligning it with what we hold our worldview to be. Mercury Direct brings this review forward. We aligned with information that fit into our understanding. At the same time, Mars, the planet that actions Pluto's desire, sits on the Galactic Center, receiving downloads of truth from the Source. This information helps fuel Pluto in Capricorn, which asks us to take responsibility for ourselves.
Mercury on the Galactic Center
During this New Moon, Mercury sits upon the Galactic Center. Our consciousness is receiving the download from the Source. We may experience an expansion of our beliefs to align with the cosmic whole, the collective.
Mercury conj. Mars balsamic
Mars, still conjunct Mercury, is in Capricorn, aligning our actions to take personal responsibility for ourselves with a global or universal perspective. The cosmic download completes the cycle of information gathering from our personal perspective and aligns it with Universal truth.
Mercury trine Jupiter exact
The download of Universal truth is integrating into the truth about our survival. It is a disseminating trine where we will begin to place our new views into the social realm.
Mercury trine NN
The new download and perspective from the Source that portrays Universal truth is in a disseminating trine to the NN. The NN is asking each of us to step into our future selves. To show up, take action from our instinctual self, and explore who we are in the process. It is this integration that we are bringing to the social realm.
Mercury square Neptune
Sitting in the Galactic Center, Mercury is affording us cosmic downloads. It is in the last quarter square with Neptune. Neptune in Pisces reflects the decay of the previous structures and the subsequent emotional flooding and overwhelm that follows. The reality seems nebulous. What is real? What is not? It's hard to tell. We have lost meaning in the old structure, and the only place to find meaning is within ourselves. We must turn inward, where we connect directly to the source. This crisis in consciousness square allows us to diverge from the collective beliefs and to follow the beliefs given to us directly from the Source.
What does it all mean?
It means that the intensity of this year is already ramping up. The outer planets that form the backdrop are finishing up the development of our outer resilience. It will happen through the creation of our own boundaries and personal responsibility to resolve our past way of giving in to the authority of others. From here, we can begin to show up as our spontaneous selves.
As we begin to regain our power, we break free from the previous ways we have survived. For example, when we self-sacrifice to keep the peace. No more. Now, we seek balance within our relationships.
The outer structures of our reality are dissolving. We are experiencing the flooding of emotions and loss of meaning. The only guidepost that we can trust comes from within.
The social landscape is changing. We begin the co-creation of reality. We begin to create the reality we seek through our inner connection with the Source. The truth of our reality is expanding. Societal beliefs aren't doing it for us anymore, and we must diverge from the norm to find the freedom we yearn for.
Most of the inner planets have passed through the Galactic Center within the past month; Venus will shortly. It is gearing us up for an expansion of the truth, aligning with the natural freedom Gaia offers. As we prepare for the next 20-year cycle of Pluto in Aquarius, the Universe is dumping information into us, and we may discover that we are seeing things differently. We may be attracted to new experiences that will be uncomfortable at first. Still, we will gain resiliency and an inner sense of security over time. All we have to do is show up for ourselves, act authentically, and be true to our needs and boundaries.