The Backdrop
Pluto in an exact square to the nodes
The nodal axis has recently shifted from Taurus/Scorpio and into Libra/Aries. They will remain in these signs until January 2025. The nodes are currently at 28 degrees Libra /Aries, with Pluto in an exact square in Capricorn. The south node is in Libra. This is about looking at the past ways that we have identified ourselves within relationships, whether we have created balance or not, and includes how we have felt about ourselves, and what kinds of security patterns we have developed. It is about looking at the extremes we've experienced in relating outside of ourselves and an attempt to find some balance within the extreme between self and other moving forward. Pluto squaring the nodes in Capricorn at 28 degrees is about revisiting how we have placed authority outside of ourselves. Where we have given the responsibility to the outer societal norms to dictate how we relate with one another, how we mature in ourselves emotionally, and how this translates to the freedom we feel in ourselves to take whatever direction is for us. This is the skipped step. The collective of humanity has evolved to a place along this axis between self and other, but we have missed an important step. We have placed much of the control for our individual directions outside of ourselves through our societal norms. Our spouses, our jobs, our financial obligations, our religious beliefs, etc. This causes a shifting of focus between us and that which we relate to outside of ourselves. Very little energy has been focused on self. This is the position of the north node. We are being asked to evolve emotionally toward what is arising spontaneously within ourselves. This is causing an oscillation between these factors. We are being asked to resolve this in order to move forward. The way to resolve this is to revisit our past way of relating. To remember how we have felt in our relationships concerning a sense of balance and fairness.
Saturn ® Pisces
A return to our natural cosmic beginnings
Saturn has been in Pisces since March of this year. Saturn is about our inner sense of authority through the creation of personal boundaries. These boundaries are protections that we put in place to be able to feel secure within ourselves. Our collective society, Capricorn, is such an entity. It is a series of structures and laws that have been put in place to keep humanity safe and secure from the uncertainty of the natural world. It creates our outer reality. Saturn rules Capricorn, and when they interface it represents our personal boundaries or reality that may differ from that of the collective. A Saturn retrograde is reflecting this reality…an acceleration of our own ability to create our own reality, through the setting of personal boundaries, and taking personal responsibility through the growth of our emotional maturity. Essentially through becoming our own authority. Pisces is the sign that represents the totality, both the manifest and the unmanifest. Everything that begins ends. It is the law of impermanence. Physics tells us that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change forms. So, when something comes to its natural state of culmination the energy that supported it returns to the energy source…this is Pisces. From here it is available to begin anew in Aries. Saturn ® in Pisces speaks to our ability to take responsibility for ourselves, while the energy from the outer authority culminates. Like a shift from outer authority to inner authority.
Neptune ® Pisces
Our Connection to Source
Neptune is the planet that rules Pisces. The way it expresses itself in our consciousness is through meaning, spirituality, healing, delusion, escapism, completion, and wisdom. The energy field that is Pisces is vast. We cannot comprehend its vastness, and it often is expressed in terms of feelings like inspiration, or the sensation of the hairs standing up on the back of your neck when a spiritual connection is made. When Neptune is retrograde, we are experiencing an acceleration of this connection to source for ourselves. We will experience times of meaning and no meaning as we interface with the outer and inner realities until we can ultimately understand that meaning comes from inside ourselves, through our own divine connection with source.
Venus ® Leo
Relearning how to relate to our true selves
Venus turned retrograde last week. Venus is the planet of relating, both to us and to other people. Venus retrograde is about an acceleration of relating to ourselves: our own sense of values and needs. In the sign of Leo, we are speaking to the way we relate to ourselves and express our authentic selves and purpose.
Neptune ® Pisces, Venus ® Leo, Pluto ® Capricorn, Yod
Learning to Reconnect with the Divine
We are experiencing a Yod, or a finger of God when it comes to these planets. A yod is two inconjuncts that converge on a single point, the apex, where the opposing sextile offers support to reconcile the two inconjuncts. In this case Venus ® is the apex, the point that requires adjustment. Let's break it down, the inconjunct between Venus and Pluto says that there is a crisis that requires an inward adjustment. This crisis is a blind spot between the acceleration of the inward relationship to the self that is associated with expressing one's authenticity and the changing rules and structure of the societal norm. The inconjunct between Neptune and Venus is speaking about a crisis that requires an outward adjustment as we find meaning within ourselves in order to accelerate our spirituality and learning to connect with our own values and needs to be able to self-actualize. These crises are supported by the transmuting societal structure and the acceleration of our ability to find meaning from within. We will experience these crises in different ways. Sometimes it will be a paralysis where we cannot take action. Where our internal values differ from that of our friends, our siblings, or our partners. We cannot just go along with what is outside of us. This will require adjustment. Perhaps a shift to doing something differently. Perhaps a complete change of behavior or thought process. Either way it will lead us toward our authentic selves.
Chiron ® Aries conjunct the NN Aries
Getting comfortable with the uncomfortable
Chiron is an asteroid that represents a wound that cannot heal. It is the permanent sensitivity to an area of consciousness. It can be realized and then used to help others to heal from similar experiences. With Chiron retrograde in Aries we are experiencing an acceleration of recognizing this wound and beginning a new relationship to it. Conjunct the north node in Aries, it links the sensitivity about relating to ourselves and being present for ourselves in this new direction of exploration. It suggests this is uncomfortable for us to deal with. The south node in Libra says we have had to consult with outer energies, either people, work, outer authorities, etc. before we can act in a spontaneous and instinctual manner. The new direction is asking us to be more spontaneous. This will be uncomfortable.
Moon in Aquarius opposed the Sun in Leo
The full moon energy is asking us to integrate something new. It is the energy of the new moon that we experienced two weeks ago. Both the Sun and the Moon were in Cancer, where we began a new cycle of developing our inner identity, sense of security, and our outward expression of it. During the new moon we couldn't see for ourselves what this new sense of security was about. We could only feel the effects of it. It felt jittery like something new was stirring. We were excited and a bit nervous. Now we can see what it is. We are aware of our purpose to shine our light in a way that actualizes our true selves. At the same time, we are integrating the breaking free of the old way of seeing ourselves.
Moon in Aquarius Square Jupiter in Taurus
We are learning to identify with our unique selves. Perhaps they were parts of us that we kept to ourselves because they weren’t socially acceptable, but now with the energies as they are, we want to embrace them, the light of the Sun shining on them is bringing us new awareness. We are experiencing a crisis in action between this new self and the truth/beliefs about how we value ourselves. The newly found parts of ourselves are working their way into expression. Where they have not been nurtured in the past, learning to value those parts of us is a start. This is about nurturing ourselves in a way that expands the truth about who we are.
Sun Leo inconjunct Saturn Pisces
Highlighting our authentic selves and our ability to self-actualize is experiencing a crisis with respect to an external limitation. Is the outer world ready for our true nature? An adjustment is needed to accelerate our own authority as the outer authority of our culture dissolves.
Sun square Jupiter
Shining the light on our authentic selves, and our purpose is causing a crisis in consciousness, where our beliefs about our needs and how we value ourselves, and the truth about our ability to be self-reliant and self-sustaining is separating us from the societal norm.
South node of Jupiter Capricorn
The past way of seeing the truth is related to our cultural norms. Our societies have historically taught us what is true, and what is not. In other words what is true has been determined outside of ourselves.
Transiting Jupiter Taurus
The transiting Jupiter in Taurus is asking us to see our own truth based on our own values and needs. This is supported by the plethora of differing and often conflicting truths that we encounter. Each culture has a different belief system, and individually we may have experiences that show us a different truth from the norm. Since beliefs are relative to the experiences we have had, when we align to our own experiences, our values and needs we begin to develop our own truths.
North node of Jupiter Cancer
The evolution of the truth is to align our truth with our own sense of inner security. To align what is true with our individual sense of identity. What you believe becomes your truth, and the universe will support it.
What Does it All mean?
Here’s the backdrop.
It means that on the emotional level we are being asked to grow. The nodal shift from Taurus and Scorpio that we have been growing through since January of 2022, had us looking at our emotional attachments to things and people who empowered us from the outside. We have seen that when we do this the endings of such attachments can leave us disempowered. We have been looking at how to turn toward ourselves to become more self-reliant, self-sufficient, and self-dependable when it comes to fulfilling our own needs. We have learned that there is a balance to be experienced where we can merge with things outside ourselves, but we must also be able to rely upon ourselves to get our inner needs met. The nodal shift is now asking us to review how we have related to others. Have we been codependent? Have we disregarded ourselves for the sake of the relationship? Did we have inner fears that if we didn’t submit, we would be left alone? This is the energy of the SN in Libra. We likely have experienced the extremes of relating with others. We have become unbalanced and forgotten about ourselves.
The universe is asking us to be more spontaneous, to try new things, to explore ourselves and discover who we truly are. We each have a purpose, and we cannot fulfill that purpose if we are catering to the will of another. Pluto retrograde in Capricorn is asking us to revisit the societal norms that have supported the past way of relating to others. By looking at and understanding the past and how it has kept us from evolving forward, we can begin to take the steps we need to integrate the north node in Aries, by being spontaneous, free to change direction if we instinctively feel the need, and generally exploring ourselves post being linked to another.
The Universe is supporting this dynamic in several ways. Saturn has been in Pisces since March, where it began the process of eroding the outer structures of authority. It turned retrograde in mid-June where we accelerated the eroding of the inner emotional structures that keep us bound to societal norms.
Neptune is also in Pisces, where it is dissolving that which no longer carries meaning. Neptune turned retrograde in July; we have been experiencing an acceleration of this connection to the source for ourselves. We experience times of meaning and no meaning as we interface with the outer and inner realities until we can ultimately understand that meaning comes from inside ourselves, through our own divine connection with source.
Last week Venus turned retrograde in the sign of Leo. This gives us an energy to explore our own needs and values when it comes to how we self-actualize and how we authentically express ourselves.
Chiron in Aries conjunct the north node points to where we have wounding surrounding acting spontaneously and for ourselves. The north node says this is the direction for our emotional growth. Yes, it may be uncomfortable as it rubs up against the already sensitive space that we have been conditioned against. It also points the way to healing.
The yod between Venus, Pluto and Neptune points to the inner and outer crises that we will face, and to the inner and outer adjustments that must be made, but ultimately the apex says we must focus on our own needs to self-actualize our true purpose.
This Lunation upon the forementioned backdrop focuses on integrating something new. We began a new sense of identity during the new moon, and we can now see what that identity is about as we begin to integrate it. We are becoming aware of our purpose and sense of authenticity; at the same time, we are breaking free of the old way we have been seeing ourselves. We are beginning to embrace our uniqueness. We need to nurture this in order to expand the truth about who we are.
We may be experiencing a crisis when it comes to expressing our true nature and purpose with respect to limitations from others. Adjustments may be needed as we learn to accelerate our own authority as the outer authority continues to dissolve.
Our individual purpose is experiencing a crisis in consciousness. This is where what we believe is different from that of societal beliefs. The crisis comes from the struggle to break free from the norm. To believe and to have values that differ from the norm require us to follow our own truth and to be self-reliant, self-sustainable and self-dependable with respect to meeting our own needs. This is the north node of Jupiter; this is the direction for growth.