Full Moon in Pisces 7 deg. 25 minutes
8/30/2023 9:36 pm
The Backdrop:
Pluto ® Capricorn square the lunar nodes in Aries and Libra
Reclaiming Authority Within: Navigating Pluto's Retrograde in Capricorn and the Evolutionary Shift of the Lunar Nodes"
Pluto retrograde in Capricorn highlights the need to revisit how we have placed authority outside of ourselves. We have given the responsibility to the outer societal norms to dictate how we relate with one another, how we mature in ourselves emotionally, and how this translates into the freedom we need to take whatever direction is correct for us. Changes in this area are needed moving forward. With the south node in Libra and the north node in Aries. This energy encourages us to look at the past ways that we have identified ourselves within relationships and our inner desires for self-discovery.
Pluto squaring the nodes points to the need to recover a skipped step in our path to evolve ourselves forward. Forces outside of ourselves determine a fair amount of our actions. Our societal norms, spouses, jobs, financial obligations, and religious beliefs, influence much of the way we act. We switch back and forth between our instinctual desires and our past relationship to the outer world happens because of this missing step, preventing the forward direction symbolized by the north node in Aries. The way to resolve this is to focus on our past way of relating to people and things outside of ourselves. To bring to the surface what has worked, and what has not, and to begin to make changes that will aid us to move forward in the direction of the North Node (NN) in Aries.
Neptune ® Pisces sextile to Pluto ® Capricorn
Diving into the Depths: Navigating Neptune's Retrograde for Inner Transformation
The changing of our outer authority to our inner sense of agency is being supported by the watery planet of Neptune. Neptune brings us inspiration from Source. It represents the totality of all that is, without the definition we place on reality. It can also be associated with delusion, imagination, and loss of meaning. When Neptune is retrograde, we are experiencing an acceleration of the connection to Source for ourselves. It is also the starting place to bring those dreams and undefined realities to the surface, to define and create. We may experience periods of meaning and no meaning as we vacillate between the inner and the outer world, ultimately learning that true inspiration comes from our divine connection to Spirit. This is supportive to Pluto and the nodal interaction in that it gives us a space to dissolve the old way, to imagine, and then create our relationships differently.
Uranus ® Taurus conj. Jupiter
Liberating Self-Worth: Uranus Retrograde and Jupiter's Transformational Journey in Taurus
Uranus ® in Taurus refers to breaking free from a past pattern of relating to ourselves that is now longer serving us. This pattern evolved due to a shocking event that happened in our familial history…and collective history. We are experiencing an acceleration to individuate from this pattern. It may appear as a shocking current event as well. It is associated with what we think we deserve or not, as well as our self-worth. Jupiter is in a balsamic phase conjunction with Uranus. Jupiter in this context refers to a closing of our beliefs about how we have preserved ourselves, how we've been surviving, and what we have believed about our worthiness. In other words, as the past beliefs come to an end, we can break free from the past patterning of poor self-esteem and break patterns that have been for our survival that aren’t working for us anymore.
Saturn ® Pisces Conj. Moon Pisces
Empowering Self-Responsibility and Inner Authority"
Saturn retrograde is reflecting an acceleration of our ability to create our own reality, through setting personal boundaries, and taking personal responsibility through the growth of our emotional maturity. Saturn ® in Pisces speaks to our ability to accelerate the responsibility for ourselves, while the energy from the outer authority culminates. A shift from outer authority to inner authority. The new phase conjunction with the moon is saying we are almost there, take this information forward to transcend the way we have identified ourselves.
Chiron ® conj. NN in Aries
Healing Collective Wounds: Embracing Instinctual Empowerment and Growth with Chiron in Aries
Chiron represents sensitivities we carry related to past wounding. When we become aware of this sensitivity, even though we can never rid ourselves of it, we can work with it to break free of its hold, and then share it with others to help them to heal. In Aries, we as a collective are sensitive to striking out on our own, doing what we desire without regard for anyone or anything. We have been so conditioned in this way, that we don’t do it at all. This has created the imbalance between self and others. The conjunction with the north node is pointing to our direction forward; spontaneous and instinctive behavior that is generated from inside ourselves. Taking that instinctual step forward is a sensitive issue, it will always be sensitive but being aware of it will decrease our sensitivity and allow us to push beyond. Then we can help others to do the same.
Finger of God: Yod configuration: SN Libra, Uranus ® Taurus, Neptune ® Pisces
Crises, Adjustments, and Healing: Navigating Transformational Shifts with Neptune, Uranus, and Chiron
At the New Moon a Finger of God aspect came into alignment, outlining two crises that require adjustments, with the possibility for healing. The first crisis, requiring an inner adjustment with the way we internalize information on our part, is related to the retrograde Neptune in Pisces. When Neptune is retrograde, we are experiencing an acceleration of the connection to source for ourselves, with respect to the past ways we have related to others, we vacillate between our inner and the outer world, ultimately learning that true inspiration comes from our divine connection to Spirit. The alignment causes a situation where we look back at periods of meaning and no meaning that we have experienced in our relationships. We may have experienced this as a resurgence of confrontation or conflict with another with respect to our inner knowing from divine inspiration. and we deferred to the importance of the relationship.
The second crisis involving Uranus in Taurus inconjunct to the south node (SN). Uranus in Taurus speaks to a shocking fracturing of a pattern that has led to a way we have gotten our esteem needs and survival needs met. This translates into what we have valued for our survival in the past is experiencing an acceleration, a breaking free. Inconjunct the SN, there is a blind spot involved in our past way of relating to others that causes a crisis within us. This requires an adjustment to the way we interact in the social realm.
The sextile between Neptune and Uranus is the supportive energy to help us deal with the changes that are required at the apex, the SN, and ultimately helps us to integrate the NN. Neptune ® in Pisces is bringing us inspiration and guidance from within and Uranus in Taurus is breaking us free from past patterning of meeting our needs within relationships.
Both of these energies support a shift in the way we have previously related with others and create a reflection in us that requires adjustment, one is an inner shift in the way we internalize and the other a shift in the way we outwardly express our sacred inner connection to Source. Chiron in this scenario is the boomerang point…the release mechanism for the whole process.
This Lunation continues this process for us, however now Uranus is retrograde, where the situation is a focused internal acceleration, both personally and collectively, and is linked to the Pluto retrograde in Capricorn. Ultimately, we are shifting the control of our relationships to an inner locus of control as we rebel against the societal norms that have dictated how we relate to others.
Full Moon in Pisces: Sun in Virgo opposite Moon Pisces
Harmonizing Self-Actualization and Divine Connection
This full moon has the Sun in Virgo and the Moon in opposition in the sign of Pisces. This energy speaks to the Sun shining its light of self-actualization through the energy of self-perfection to stimulate necessary internal adjustments, and it shines its light on our new self-image as it aligns with the internal connection to Source. These two energies are being integrated in order to act in unison. This is where we are perfecting ourselves through an elimination process of a worn-out self-image to align our inner security with the divine source, which comes through us.
Mercury ® in New Phase to the Sun
Nurturing Personal Evolution Through Refined Communication
Mercury retrograde in Virgo points to an acceleration of the left-brain faculties and how we communicate our personal perspectives. It also speaks to the inward ability to focus on what information is for our personal evolution. In the sign of Virgo, there is a sorting process happening. Where we are culling the information that we have previously collected and are determining what is absolutely necessary for our future development. With the Sun in Virgo, we are self-learning to actualize a perfected self through our thought and communication processes.
Sun in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus
Flowing Towards Transformation with Sun, Jupiter, and Self-Perfection"
This energy speaks to the Sun shining its light of self-actualization through the energy of self-perfection to stimulate necessary internal adjustments. It is in a flow state with Jupiter in Taurus. Jupiter in Taurus speaks to our beliefs about how we have survived in the world and our beliefs about our worthiness to get what we need. As the past beliefs come to an end, we can break free from the past patterning of poor self-esteem and break patterns that have been for self-preservation that aren’t working for us anymore. Self-actualizing of the internal adjustments necessary to perfect ourselves is in a flow state to the culmination of previous beliefs that have kept us from meeting our survival needs.
Sun Trine to MC
Bringing Our Adjustment into the World
The light of the Sun is shining on internal adjustments needed to create the steps toward self-perfection, and it is in a flow to the midheaven. This is where we feel we can disseminate what we know and who we are to the public. The midheaven is a cardinal point that depicts a new beginning of bringing these internal adjustments into the social realm.
Moon Sextile to the MC
Brining the New You to the World
The MC represents the initiation of something new in the social realm. The moon in Pisces is a culmination of a self-image. I see this as preparation for the new self-image to see itself differently within the social sphere.
Nodes of Mercury
SN Mercury 23 deg Virgo conj. Mars and Mercury closing mars, new to Mercury ®
The SN of Mercury represents the past mental faculties and communication that have been present. In the sign of Virgo, this would refer to the past way we have adjusted our communication patterns, perhaps because we felt insignificant, or that we didn't know enough. The current placement of Mercury is the evolution of the SN placement. Here we are individuating our thoughts and communication. A review of the past with adjustments to reflect an acceleration or growth.
NN Mercury Leo conjunct Venus ® Leo New phase
The NN of Mercury is speaking to the future of our thoughts and communication, a hint as to what we are reviewing and how it will begin to affect us. A new phase conjunction to the current retrograde Venus suggests that the actualization of our needs and how we value ourselves is important here. As we evaluate these things internally, our thoughts and communication will begin to align. This is the preliminary step to changing our thought patterns.
Nodes of Jupiter
The SN of Jupiter is retrograde in Capricorn. It is pointing out the very beginning of a where we began to align with our personal truths with respect to the truths prescribed by the societal norm. We were beginning to incorporate our internal sense of truth based on our experiences.
This has set up the current placement of Jupiter in Taurus where we are learning to see the truth in what we believe about our inherent worth. As well as how we must value ourselves in the future.
NN Jupiter is in Cancer. This is the evolution of the current placement. Here we are learning to find an inner sense of security concerning our truth and what we as individuals believe.
What does it all mean?
It means that the universe continues to evolve us toward becoming our own authority in the world with respect to how we relate to others. It is a lengthy process requiring many steps and challenges along the way. The New Moon in Leo was helping us to navigate ourselves toward a more authentic self. With the Full moon in Pisces, we are integrating the New Moon energy to bring it out to others, and we are required to let part of ourselves go. The Sun is helping us to self-actualize the adjustments that are necessary. In the sign of Virgo, we may still contain parts of ourselves that don’t feel good enough. This is a hindrance, and we’ll need to sort through what can stay and what must go. Our self-image will need to dissolve those aspects of ourselves back into the energy pool of Pisces as we realign with the Source.
There is a lot going on in the backdrop, it moves slowly as it is orchestrated by the outer planets and unique alignments. These are helping us to do what the Full Moon is asking of us. Saturn is still in Pisces aiding in the Pluto dynamic, where it is helping us to shift from following outer authority to our own inner authority. The new phase conjunction with the moon will help us to solidify this energy of personal authority within our self-image.
We are accelerating our growth toward self-guidance. This is a sensitivity within us regarding taking a direction of personal exploration. It is necessary to look back at the past, the way we have related to others, to evaluate our sensitivities, and to do things differently. This will help us to begin the movement forward.
We may experience crises that cause us to adjust inwardly and outside of ourselves. Breaking free from how we have related to ourselves in the past and aligning with the source for inspiration will support us through these adjustments.
Changing our beliefs, the way we think, and what we value in ourselves are being highlighted during this full moon period. Most of the planets are retrograde which is pointing to the inner reflection that is needed to effect change. With the Sun in Virgo and the Moon in Pisces we can actualize these adjustments that are needed and rid ourselves of the parts that are no longer useful.