New Moon in Cancer 7/17/23 2:32 pm 24 degrees 56 minutes
New Moon 7/17/23 2:32 pm 24 degrees 56 minutes
The Backdrop:
Pluto is retrograde and sits at 29 deg Capricorn, where we are revisiting where we have placed our emotional maturity outside of ourselves through abiding by societal norms. Saturn is still retrograde and in a new phase to Pluto. We are exploring the dissolving of outer authority as we accelerate our own emotional maturity through setting personal boundaries.
The nodes of the Moon have completed their 18-month journey through Taurus and Scorpio where we have been confronting what we have emotionally merged with in the past that is no longer serving us and have been learning how to integrate emotional self-reliance, self-sustainability, and the ability to meet our emotional needs.
The nodes are about to move to 29 degrees Libra and Aries within an hour and a half after the new moon. This is an exact square to Pluto and is pointing to a collective skipped step that we are all conditioned by. In our history we have emotionally attached ourselves to the social system that has required us to place our power outside of us. This has led to us skipping an important part of self-empowerment which needs to be recovered so that humanity can evolve. This missing step causes us to swing back and forth between identifying with people and things outside of us to identifying with ourselves in an instinctual way. This is the beginning of the end of this cycle. From here the pendulum swings toward stepping into our own instinctual nature. First, we must resolve the skipped step. We will do this by completing the self-identification with others.
There is a grand cardinal cross with Pluto, the Nodes, and the new moon in Cancer, signifying that something new is beginning! We are beginning to integrate a new cycle that is linked with the way we see ourselves, how we express that self-image, the transformation of our emotional maturity, and beginning a new way of identifying with others and ourselves.
Saturn, our collective reality is dissolving. We are transcending the paradigm and accelerating our own emotional maturity as we culminate expressing our own needs and discerning our actions for the future.
Sun /Moon Conj. Cancer
This new moon marks a new cycle of developing our inner identity, sense of security, and our outward expression of it. The Sun is shining its light on how we nurture ourselves and how we find inner security. We cannot yet see how this new internal self will manifest, but we can feel it inside. It feels jittery like something new is stirring, we are excited, and a bit nervous and are learning to feel comfortable in our own skin. We must sit with these feelings, nurture them and as the light returns, we will begin to self-actualize.
Sun/Moon Cancer Square the nodes (29 deg. Aries/Libra)
The new cycle of our inner identity and outer expression of it is square to the nodes. It means that there is tension growing as we learn to meet this energy. This energy, the completion of how we have been aligning our identities outside of ourselves, is being integrated into the completion of how we align our identities through spontaneous instinctual action. This is an uncomfortable shift. Where we have been aligning our sense of security with what others do now, we are being asked to blindly align with what we feel from within. There are no landmarks for this. So, we swing back and forth, not doing either very well. The way to resolve this is to get used to the uncomfortable feelings associated with the newness of acting spontaneously from our instincts.
Sun/Moon opposition Pluto (29 deg Capricorn)
The new cycle of inner security and self-actualization is in opposition to the retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. This new sense of self is integrating the changing locus of control from the outside the self to the inside. This is accelerating our self-empowerment and emotional maturity as we begin to bring this inner security through personal authority out for others to see.
Sun/Moon Cancer square Chiron
The Sun in Cancer is forming a last quarter square to Chiron in Aries. The last quarter square is a crisis in consciousness. This is where we are breaking free from previously held beliefs. Our new inner and outer identity is experiencing this breaking free from a wound associated with the Saturn/Capricorn archetype. We are beginning to believe that we can break free and take an instinctual into the unknown.
The moon is forming a first quarter square to Chiron. This is a crisis in action between this new self-image and sense of inner security which is currently unseen. The direction toward healing is also new…this is the feeling of anxiety of separation. This is the jittery feeling we may be perceiving…something is changing, we cannot see it yet, and we are not sure what action to take…we need to make a choice. Do we continue in the old way? Do we take the unknown path forward?
NN Conj. Chiron
This is a new phase conjunction which points to the beginning of a cycle where we can manage the wounds of the past by taking a new direction towards self-identifying with our instinctual nature.
Sun/Moon sextile Uranus
This new moon is sextile to Uranus in Taurus. Uranus in Taurus points to a shocking acceleration from the distant past that changed the way we meet the needs of the collective. This adaptation left the collective emotionally fractured and clinging to a pattern that is now harming us and threatening our survival. This last sextile is saying we can break free, and self-actualize a new identity. This new identity is in alignment with a cosmic purpose.
Sun/Moon trine Neptune in Pisces
This new identity/self-actualization is in a flow state with the Neptune in Pisces energy. Neptune in Pisces refers to a culmination of spiritualization. This is where we can use our psychic imagination to create a new reality. The sky's the limit, dream it into reality! Neptune is retrograde as well. This is an acceleration where we are looking within to find our own meaning to life. The new sun/moon complex is in a flow with this energy. What do you want to manifest? How do you want to self-actualize? Who is the new identity you intend to create?
SN Venus Virgo
We have in the past been super critical about ourselves and others regarding getting our own needs met. This comes from a societal norm that predisposes us to be considerate of the other…to literally put ourselves at the bottom of the hierarchy.
Venus in Leo
This sets up the evolution to the current Venus in Leo, where we are learning to align our deeds to our hearts desire, our purpose. At the top of the pyramid…as the one of importance in the equation between self and other.
NN Venus Cancer
The future evolution of Venus is setting us up for aligning our needs to our inner sense of self. In other Words, where we have valued others' opinions and where we have related to ourselves in a way that becomes secondary to the needs of others, the pendulum is swinging toward us.
SN Mars Libra
The past action of desires for the collective and the individual is associated with focusing on relationships with others. Learning to seek balance, and often experiencing the extremes. This has led to people pleasing and codependency, and a lot of self-neglect in general.
Transiting Mars Virgo
The current Mars placement is pointing out the soul's desire is to discern the realities and to self-adjust. With Venus closing the cycle with Mars, the adjustment is taking into account our hearts desires.
NN Mars Gemini
The future evolution of Mars is to act out the soul’s desire to gather more information about the reality. The transiting Mars is digesting and discerning the information that it already has and is adjusting accordingly. More information is needed.
As the nodes shift later today these energies will become more apparent a new energy will be introduced. As the N moves into Aries more information will be needed
What does it all mean?
It means that this magical world is in a state of flux. The veil is so very thin that we can create what we want. We are experiencing a cardinal cross which points to initiating a brand-new cycle. We are shifting into a new 18-month cycle where we will be learning to shift the paradigm from an outer authority to an inner authority. This means that we will relate to others differently. We will stop comparing ourselves to others as we are moving into a culmination of how we relate to others. This can look like ending a codependency, or simply respecting others but not trying to be like them. At the same time, we are evolving into a new relationship with ourselves. Working from a more instinctual place as opposed to how it has been done in the past by looking outside of ourselves to make decisions. We may experience a switching back and forth between these two energies. This is because it is a step that we have all skipped in our development. To recover it, we will need to relate to everything outside of ourselves differently. To actualize our new identities, we will need to relate to ourselves differently. It is a balance that we will learn over the next 18 months. This is a new opportunity for us to self-actualize what we feel on the inside the universe is aligning to help us to shift into this new self-focused adventure. To do this we will have to trust ourselves, and trust in the process, trusting in spirit to guide humanity forward. How we relate to ourselves, and others is to first meet our own needs. We all have the need to self-actualize. It is possible when we change the locus of control from the outside to the inside.