Sun/ Moon Sagittarius
Sagittarius, at its base, represents freedom. This freedom is the freedom that every wild animal knows. It is the freedom to explore and expand our reality. It is also to live in nature. With the Sun and Moon conjunct in Sagittarius, we are experiencing a reset of sorts. It is a new cycle of freedom/expansion between our inner world and how we validate ourselves in our outer expression. Often, it requires travel to explore something new. It invokes the opposition, Gemini, that helps us gather new perspectives. These new perspectives expand our minds and possibilities and lead us to a different truth.
Mars conjunct Sun/Moon Sagittarius (closing phase)
Mars in Sagittarius is in a closing phase to the New Moon. The way we have been showing up to expand ourselves and act instinctively, naturally, and freely is ending. The last New Moon brought a deep inquiry into hidden parts of ourselves as we sought to expose deeply seated attachments that kept us stuck. As we reveal some of our deepest issues, this New Moon allows us to experience a new freedom in our inner and outer worlds.
SN sextile Mars/Sun/Moon conjunction
Our past emotional sense of self and memories of past experiences are supporting this New Moon. Where we have not been free because of our codependency’s in our relationships, we now have the opportunity to expand and grow.
Sun/Moon square Neptune- last quarter sq with the Moon, 1st Quarter with the Sun
The New Moon has moved into a square with Neptune. It is in a first-quarter square with the Sun, which points to a search for our purpose and freedom to explore it through dissolving old, worn-out boundaries and lack of meaning. Neptune and the Moon are in a last-quarter square, aligning our expanding inner world with expansion and freedom. Our inner world seeks to separate from the boundaries of the status quo and to follow our own beliefs regarding dissolving boundaries and the subsequent lack of meaning that floods in. The expansion and expression of the inner world fill us with new hope and curiosity to expand our horizons. Inwardly, we may feel unconventional as we disengage from societal beliefs.
Sun/Moon Sagittarius trine NN/Chiron Aries conjunction
Our outward expression of expansion and freedom to find our truth is in a state that helps us to integrate our stepping out in a new direction. We are still determining where it will take us, but the new feeling of expansion is helping us to show up for this instinctual journey.
Sun/Moon sesquiquadrate Jupiter ® Taurus
The outward journey with this alignment refers to the imposition of our will and purpose to expand our truth and how it relates to meeting our needs. It is new, and we may experience feedback from others. It helps us begin the process of contemplating a better way.
The inward journey refers to a creative transformation about the social sphere. It is where we understand our unique contributions to the world and others' skills concerning how we each contribute to meeting our individual needs.
Sun/Moon inconjunct Uranus ® in Taurus
The Backdrop
Pluto in Capricorn Square, the nodal axis in Aries/Libra
Planets squaring the nodal access represent a skipped step. A space where the soul, or collective, was evolving along a path, bypassed a step and tried to continue in the evolution. The universe stops the forward progression until the skipped step is retrieved. The skipped step produces a flip-flopping between the SN and the NN.
In this case, Pluto in Capricorn is the skipped step. Pluto in Capricorn refers to the transmutation of the locus of control. When we place the locus of control outside ourselves, we do not develop a sense of resiliency and emotional maturity through the bumps and twists of life. Our cultural norm has been to place the control, the answers to life and conduct, in the hands of Drs, teachers, government officials, our friends, partners, etc. As a result, we need to learn to deal with reality for ourselves. It creates a blame, guilt, or avoidance dynamic when something goes awry.
The nodal axis in Aries and Libra speaks to the attempt to strike a balance between our inner sense of security within relationships and a sense of security within ourselves.
The SN in Libra says that our past sense of self has become attached to placing security in others. At the same time, the NN in Aries is the growth curve, where we are learning to shift our sense of security to inside ourselves.
Pluto in Capricorn
The fact that we all assimilate the conditioning of our environment and learn to take in authority from outside of ourselves, SN in Libra, makes it difficult to do the NN to act spontaneously from within. The resolution node is the SN in Libra. We must all resolve placing security outside ourselves to incorporate the shift. It requires us to learn to create our own emotional safety structures. Boundaries. We need to choose for ourselves what our conduct will be.
At first, it won't be easy, like a baby learning to walk. We will fall down and make errors, but we will develop inner strength, resilience, and emotional maturity over time. It is the purpose of the NN.
Pluto in Capricorn square Jupiter ® Taurus
Refers to a merging with experiences of being restricted or limited to transmute the container. Because Pluto is squaring the nodal axis, it is affecting our relationships and our ability to show up in an instinctual way. We must resolve past patterns of relating to others to incorporate the NN.
Jupiter ® Taurus accelerates the expansion of our truth/beliefs with its underlying principle of freedom. It points to self-preservation through the development of personal truths.
The square is a first-quarter square, and it applies toward exact, so the building energy is intense as the need for freedom stretches the limits of the container we find ourselves in.
Yod: SN Libra, Uranus ® Taurus, Neptune Pisces
A yod, or Finger of God configuration, points to an area of stress that needs adjustment. It is two inconjuncts, which are blind spots that repeatedly cause crises. The only awareness is the crisis; why it is occurring remains hidden. The two crises connect a vertex point on one side and a sextile on the other. This sextile can resolve the inconjuncts. Sometimes, there is a planet opposing the vertex. It is called a boomerang point. It can help release the tension of the vertex.
Two yod configurations are affecting this New Moon. The first one, with the SN in Libra as the vertex, has been with us since the middle of August, shortly after the nodal axis moved into Aries/Libra. The SN in Libra represents our past sense of security in relation to others. It outlines whether or not we have felt equal in our relationships. The two inconjuncts are the blind spots that have caused crises in the past and require adjustment to resolve them. One needs an internal adjustment, and the other needs an external adjustment. In this case, Neptune in Pisces is the blindspot that requires an internal adjustment- finding meaning as the energy dissolves back into the oneness.
The one that requires an external adjustment in our relationships is Uranus in Taurus. It refers to a change in our behavior associated with breaking free from the patterns related to how we meet our survival needs. Both inconjuncts have caused stress in our relationships. Chiron is the boomerang point and suggests that the release of the stress point, SN Libra, is created through accelerating our individuation process toward showing up as our individuated selves.
The second Yod is new.
Yod: Uranus ® Taurus, Sun/Moon, SN Libra
Uranus is the stress point.
Uranus in Taurus points to a collective trauma that we are accelerating beyond. Taurus is the inner side of Venus. The way we relate to ourselves and meet our survival needs. It is a yin sign, where we draw toward us the necessary resources that increase our survivability. Uranus points to a fracturing, a decentralization from the norm in the attempt to grow beyond factors that have been limiting. Uranus ® Taurus, therefore, speaks to patterns in our cultural conditioning that are not helping us to survive. The stress point is a rapid acceleration of how we meet our survival needs.
The SN is the inconjunct that requires an inner adjustment…a humbling within ourselves between the past way we have related to ourselves. By default, it affects our relationship with others. In our history, many of us have self-sacrificed to keep the peace. In this way, our relationships are unbalanced, and we experience extremes. The inner adjustment requires a shift where we break free to increase our survival.
The New Moon (expansion of our horizons is where we require an outer adjustment to fit in with the social realm. As we break free of old patterns that have prevented us from fulfilling personal needs and begin to expand our horizons, we may step on a few toes. Adjustment to our outer worlds will be necessary to maintain a social balance.
Neptune Moves direct in Pisces 12/5/23
Neptune Stations direct on 12/5/23. It is significant because it has been retrograde since the end of June. In its retrograde motion, we were accelerating the loss of meaning associated with our dissolving societal structure. Through the absence of meaning in the structure of our outer world, we have felt disillusionment and a sense of being lost. This condition leads to the need to develop internal meaning through individual connection with the source. As Neptune stations direct, we carry this inner meaning forward. The outlook is still unclear as Neptune in Pisces continues to dissolve the outer landscape. If we have found an internal anchor, we have something to hold onto.
Saturn Pisces
The function of Saturn in Pisces is to dissolve old structures that have controlled us from the outside. They no longer serve us in our evolution. We experience this energy as a loss of meaning with the old, worn-out systems in our lives, a job, school, a relationship, etc. We begin to shift to inner control and develop a new sense of emotional maturity and resilience. It is creating space for the new beginnings that are upon us. Sextile to Jupiter ® Taurus, the dissolving structures in our outer world give room for individual truths to expand about how and what we need to survive.
Venus Scorpio opposed Jupiter, sextile Mercury Capricorn
The opposition of Venus to Jupiter allows us to expand our intuitive natures concerning self-preservation and how that affects our relationships with ourselves and others. Venus in Scorpio allows a deep inquiry into how we attach ourselves. Have we been connecting ourselves in a way that empowers us? Mercury in Capricorn helps us to perceive and communicate internal controls by setting personal boundaries that we need to place to keep us safe. As the outer authorities dissolve, we are experiencing an expansion of our truth and aligning with what we need to empower ourselves.
What does it all mean?
It means that in this orchestra of evolution, we are currently working on our relationship with the outer world. We must look to internal changes to affect changes in our external realities. This New Moon guides us to inner and outer expansion in our beliefs and truth about our reality. The new perspectives created by this expansion of truth will guide us to an inner sense of freedom that we desire.
How we have acted regarding the philosophies that have guided us in the past is ending. This ending is directly related to the changing societal structure. We cannot act on those beliefs and truths any longer. This New Moon expands our internal views to give us a new platform from which to act.
The expanding beliefs support the resolution of our past self-image concerning how we relate outside ourselves. In the past, we have repeatedly placed ourselves second in our relationships to the detriment of our ability to show up for ourselves. Expanding what is true for us allows us to entertain another perspective. The inner planets are helping us to make new choices in how we protect ourselves, delve more deeply into how and why we attach to others, and begin to act in a new way related to our expanded sense of self.
A couple of crisis points are affecting us during this New Moon. Both require inner and outer adjustments. The first has been affecting us since August. Its focus is to change how we have found security in relationships. We may feel intensity when we become triggered by these old ways. It is a signal to look toward expanding our truth. The inner adjustment requires us to let go of the past meaning. In contrast, the outer adjustment requires us to break free of the self-sacrificing patterns we have adopted to keep our relationships intact.
The new crisis point focuses on breaking free from worn-out patterns of survival. The focus has become the worn-out patterns. What parts of ourselves have we hidden away to maintain a relationship? These hidden parts create a crisis that requires an internal adjustment to how we have maintained inner security within our relationships. The outer adjustments are related to the expansion of our sense of self.
As we head toward Pluto in Aquarius, where we will confront our authentic selves and break free from the constraints of societal norms that are dissolving, we are experiencing increased pressure to peel the layers of the onion to find our true selves and to begin expressing that self in the world. Pluto squaring the nodes refers to a skipped step in humanity where we have conditioning to give power over ourselves to others. We experience fear and face rejection if we make waves in the social realm. It has caused great complexes within each of us.
Freedom from these restrictions will take time, bravery, self-compassion, and compassion for others as we navigate these deeply embedded conditioning patterns. This New Moon is creating an expansion of our inner truth and authenticity. We can fill this expansion with the curiosity to explore what it means for each of us individually.