Stepping into the True Self to Create Your Reality
Full Moon Leo 1/25/24 12:53 pm 5 deg. 14 minutes
Pluto conjunct Sun Aquarius 0 deg/5 deg
Pluto moved into Aquarius on the 20th of January, where it became conjunct with the Sun. Aquarius refers to an acceleration beyond a limitation. Capricorn can be associated with the energy of limitation, particularly emotional limitations initially placed as a protective mechanism. Eventually, all established boundaries can become a limitation to our emotional growth.
As I have been discussing throughout last year, Pluto, in Capricorn, was squaring the nodes. It was a period of confrontation of what happens when we place authority outside ourselves, outlining how we have given our power away within our relationships and the suppression of internal instincts to explore our own unique purpose.
We began learning about placing boundaries in our relationships to ensure that we meet our personal needs. These new boundaries allowed us to build emotional resilience, a protective layer between our tender feelings and how others treat us.
Pluto in Aquarius is beginning the process of decentralizing from the limitations that have confined us. These limitations are felt emotionally and can often bleed into physical manifestations. Pluto in Aquarius is an acceleration beyond limitations. Aquarius represents electricity, progress, and individuation. Frequently, it is associated with a shocking event that catapults us into a different reality.
Pluto conjunct the Sun represents an intense transmutation (Pluto) of how we shine our light into the world (Sun). Expect change. It will differ for each of us, depending on where this conjunction occurs in your chart. It is an evolution of who we are, and in the sign of Aquarius, we can expect individuation. Many of us will leave the pack, the consensus model of reality, where we are all educated in the same ways, follow the same norms for relationships, and essentially play "follow the leader." Here, we step into the role of becoming our own leader.
Pluto square Jupiter
A Jupiter square accompanies Pluto's journey into Aquarius. It is a first-quarter square where there is pressure to make new choices. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, freedom, and truth, is in Taurus, the sign of survival. As we accelerate beyond who we have been, it stands to reason that we must expand our freedom and truth about how we survive in the world.
Pluto Sextile Neptune
Neptune in Pisces also accompanies Pluto's transition into Aquarius. Neptune in Pisces is very supportive as it is easier to make changes when things are dissolving, than to do it against the current of what is.
Uranus ® in Taurus
While no alignment is present with the Sun/Pluto conjunction, Uranus has been in Taurus for some time. It has been decentralizing us from the consensus ways of survival. It is doing this through a loss of meaning. Have you noticed a decline in meaning concerning the way we live?
Saturn inconjunct Moon
Saturn in Pisces refers to the dissolving of consensus rules and laws and allowing us to create our own inner emotional protection from the harsh outer environment by setting personal boundaries.
The Moon in Leo is about aligning our inner sense of security with our true creative purpose, our destiny. An inconjunct between these two energies points to an internal crisis. We feel disruption, but we don't know why.
As the old definitions of our reality begin to dissolve, the roles we fill in that reality dissolve with it. Our true creative purpose remains, but it looks and feels foreign because we are unfamiliar. These feelings feel like a crisis. We need to make an internal adjustment to resolve the crisis.
We find support when we can align with our internal beliefs and self-protection through caring for our bodies and maintaining a sense of self-worth.
Saturn sextile Venus and Jupiter
Saturn in Pisces supports Venus in Capricorn and Jupiter in Taurus. Saturn in Pisces refers to the dissolving of the consensus rules and laws as well as allowing each of us to create our own inner emotional protection from the harsh outer environment through setting personal boundaries.
Venus in Capricorn says," I need to protect myself. "It is the personal survival mechanism. It outlines how we relate to ourselves in a way that promotes survival. At the same time, it affects how we relate to others, which promotes survival in the outer world.
Venus recently passed through the Galactic Center. It was the last of the inner planets to do so in recent weeks. Playing clean-up, Venus, our internal survival mechanism, received the download of truth about our survivability. It gives each of us the green light to follow our intuition about what is best for us.
Jupiter in Taurus is expanding our beliefs about how we can survive. What is the truth? The consensus ways of survival do not promote longevity. These energies support our ability to create inner protection through self-care and expanded beliefs.
Venus Capricorn square Neptune Pisces
Venus in Capricorn refers to taking responsibility for our own protection and self-care. Taking responsibility for drinking enough water, getting enough rest, limiting stress, ensuring we can enjoy ourselves, eating correctly, etc.
Neptune in Pisces is the dissolution of the structure of our reality. It can create emotional flooding, loss of meaning, and identification with illusions. These planets are in a last-quarter square with each other. A crisis in consciousness is a change in our beliefs that allows us to diverge from the consensus way of self-care and place it in our own hands.
Venus trine Jupiter in Capricorn
The self-care energy of Venus in Capricorn is in a smooth integration alignment with Jupiter in Taurus. Jupiter in Taurus is asking all of us to expand our ability to survive. Self-care and taking responsibility for our own health are the key.
Mars/Mercury Squaring the nodal axis in Capricorn
Pluto has been squaring the nodes for some time, but its recent ingress into Aquarius ends that square. Right on its heels, though, is the Mars/Mercury conjunction squaring the nodes.
Mercury is completing a cycle with Mars. Our thoughts and communication about protection through adhering to societal norms concerning how we accomplish it are ending. Mars is the action planet of Pluto's desires. As Pluto moves into Aquarius, Mars comes along to help us fulfill Pluto's desire: to become our own authority.
Squaring the lunar nodes suggests this is a focus. Again, we face the familiar flip-flopping we have experienced as Pluto is in the square position. This time, it is the culmination of the way we think about and carry out external control that is ending. It has kept us from easily evolving into a sense of security concerning striking out in our own direction to fulfill our unique purpose.
The SN in Libra is the resolution node. We must resolve our emotional attachment to external controls to move forward.
Mars Mercury trine Uranus
Mars conjunct Mercury asks us to end external control through our thoughts and actions. They are in a disseminating trine to Uranus in Taurus. Uranus in Taurus outlines a breaking free from the limitations placed upon us by external survival practices. The disseminating trine is where we begin to put these actions into the societal structure, where we can effect change.
Mars, Mercury trine Jupiter
Mars conjunct Mercury is in a closing phase and asks us to end external control through our thoughts and actions when it comes to flowing integration concerning expanding our ability to survive. Taking the ability to create our reality into our own hands is the key to expansion.
Sun opposing Moon
This Full Moon cycle highlights the Sun in Aquarius and the Moon in Leo, where we are breaking free from artificial roles created for us by society and are beginning to integrate and find a balance between that role and our true purpose.
Jupiter square Moon and Sun/ Pluto opposition
This Full Moon requires growth. We will find tension in these growth processes, ultimately leading to our evolution. The first quarter square between the Sun and Jupiter asks us to grow toward expanding our beliefs about surviving well and increasing our self-esteem. The first quarter square between Jupiter and the Moon refers to the growth curve between finding security in our true purpose and our beliefs about whether or not we are worthy. If we step into the roles that we feel from within, will we get our survival needs met? It requires faith and the belief that we can. It might take work to get there.
Moon opposes Pluto
Finding inner security in our true purpose can be difficult. Our conditioning has us believing that our purpose is dictated to us by the slots available in our consensus reality: doctor, lawyer, teacher, etc. What if our talents and drive from within differ from the available slots? It can make us feel off balance, depressed, and unhappy. Pluto in Aquarius is helping us to break the mold of our conditioning. It is the deconditioning energy. The Moon is helping us align with our true purpose and joy. The opposition teaches us to integrate these opposing energies to find balance.
Moon inconjunct Saturn
The Moon in Leo asks us to find inner security and safety in our true selves, our innate expression and purpose. Saturn in Pisces asks us to create our own reality in the void by placing boundaries. The inconjunct is a blind spot. These energies do not see each other. They do, however, create crises in our lives. Suppose we begin to align with our true natures and have not placed the necessary boundaries. In that case, it may create problems for us in our relationships. It requires an inner adjustment. We need to change something within ourselves to interact in a balanced way within our relationships.
Moon Inconjunct Venus
Finding inner security with our true nature and taking responsibility for self-care are inconjunct. They are involved in a blind spot. This blind spot consists of an adjustment in how we deal with others. Many of us have been masking and hiding our true selves to fit in with societal norms.
This Full Moon is bringing to light our true natures, who we are under the masks. We can feel insecure in this role. When you join this energy with self-responsibility to care for the self in all the ways, we may not see it. We may link our self-care with someone else. Changing this would be an outer adjustment.
Finger of God aspect
Saturn, Venus, and the Moon form a Yod or Finger of God aspect. The finger of God configuration is a crisis point requiring internal and external adjustment. It can produce frustration because the cause of the crises is generally unseen. Once revealed, we can make adjustments. The stress point is the vertex of the Yod (Finger of God).
In this case, it is the Moon. The stress point is becoming comfortable in our authentic expression, purpose, and raison d'etre. This Finger of God, or Yod configuration, points us to a fork where we need to make different choices within ourselves. Without this behavior change, we experience crises in our outer world.
Venus is the blind spot that requires an internal adjustment. Where have we placed our needs outside ourselves or not taken personal responsibility for our health? With an inward adjustment, we are closer to becoming comfortable with our true purpose.
Saturn in Pisces allows for an outer adjustment where we place new boundaries between us and the external world. When we link Saturn and Venus together, they support us to step into inner security and a more authentic version of ourselves.
Moon trine Neptune
Becoming comfortable with our purpose and joy is in a flow integration with the dissolving reality. As the old structures decay and meaning in the outer world dissolves, what remains is us. The distractions and rules of the external world cease to interfere with what is internal and natural.
Chiron square Mars Exact
Mars in Capricorn refers to the energy of aligning our soul's desire to create our own reality. The last quarter square to Chiron and the NN suggests that we are beginning to make different choices concerning our ability to set our own boundaries about our self-worth and how we survive in a world that is different from the social structure. We are beginning to follow our own beliefs. The choices are about following our inner inspiration or the beliefs of our failing cultural norm.
What Does it All Mean?
It means that the shift has begun as Pluto has moved into Aquarius. The Universe is helping us to step into our true selves. It is a process. The Full Moon is asking us to become comfortable with our true selves. Who is that, exactly? Try to remember who you were as a child. Where did you find joy and inspiration? The Universe is asking us to break free from the conditioning that we have endured and to become who we were born to be. All the inner planets have been through the Galactic Center and received downloads from the Universe. Then, into Capricorn, where we can emotionally align with them and build internal structures where they are protected.
We are moving into a realm where we can create our own reality. We must start within. Self-care and creating a healthy inner environment will eventually reflect outside of us. We must all take responsibility for ourselves.
The Moon in Leo is the stress point. In the past, we may have been ridiculed, made to feel unworthy, or made to feel like something was wrong with us when we were being ourselves. It is simply not true. These are other people's opinions of us who were trying to fit into the societal mold. Well, that mold is dissolving.
As we begin to vibrate in our actual frequency, we will attract others who resonate with us because we are doing what is natural to us and what gives us joy. It is the energy of Aquarius!
The work for each of us now is to align with that true self. Feed it and care for it. Create a structure for yourself where you believe in yourself and honor yourself. Make different choices for yourself, then witness the transformation.