New Moon Solar Eclipse 21 deg 7 min Libra 10/14/2023 1:55 PM
New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Libra
This New Moon is a powerful culmination cycle and a new beginning. It includes a Solar eclipse that accentuates the energy of the New Moon. A Solar Eclipse happens when the New Moon occurs on or near the Lunar nodes. New Moons begin a cycle between our inner sense of self and our outer purpose - how we shine our inner light into the world. In the sign of Libra, we focus on how we relate to the world outside of us. It can be associated with relationships with people, jobs, pets, or anything we interact with. This New Moon lands a few degrees from the South Node in Libra. The South Node in Libra reflects how we have experienced our inner selves within our relationships in the past. In Libra, we balance our inner world with how others see us. This year, we have worked on how we show up to meet our internal needs and project them into our relationships.
We experienced the beginning of the Eclipse energy in April and May of this year. The Lunar Eclipse was the first Eclipse of the year occurring in the sign of Aries. It was a full Moon that reflected how our outer relationships affect how we show up for ourselves when relating. We may have sacrificed our needs to keep the peace in our relationships. Two weeks later, the Solar Eclipse in May was a New Moon in Taurus. It began a cycle of meeting our inner needs and shining this into our relationships.
This current Eclipse is the culmination of the energy that began in May. Many transits occurred that helped us to grow in this way. We are culminating that cycle, starting with the current Solar Eclipse.
Let's begin with understanding the outer planets. I call them the backdrop.
Pluto in Capricorn square the Lunar Nodes in Aries and Libra
Just a few days ago, Pluto resumed its forward motion. It has been retrograde, accelerating a change in how we are affected by societal norms or when we place the locus of control outside of ourselves. It causes an inability to gain emotional resilience. Just after the Lunar Eclipse in May, Pluto began its retrograde motion. It has been a review and transmutation of how we have related to the outer societal norms concerning inner needs and our sense of empowerment. This forward motion of Pluto is now heading toward completing the Capricorn archetype; only this time, we arm ourselves with an understanding of empowering ourselves through a personal sense of authority through which we gain emotional maturity.
When they were in Taurus and Scorpio, the square between Pluto and the nodes represented a skipped step in our evolution that needed to be recovered before we moved on. It presented itself as switching back and forth between what was socially acceptable in getting our needs met and what was empowering to us. This back-and-forth energy allows us to see both sides of the coin and to make changes in how we allow the outer authority to dictate how we meet our needs and empower ourselves.
In July, the nodes moved into Aries and Libra. They continue to square Pluto, but since July, we have been learning to become aware of how to balance our relationships concerning showing up equally for ourselves. Again, we are switching back and forth between losing ourselves in the relationship and having equal standing, allowing us to see both sides of the coin and then choose differently from the past ways of relating to others.
Pluto in Capricorn square Mars in Scorpio
We arm ourselves with the experience of the Pluto retrograde, where we have witnessed the disempowerment, we encounter when we put the control outside ourselves. Pluto moves direct where we are again, confronting and transmuting the power back to ourselves. Mars has moved into Scorpio and is squaring Pluto. Mars in Scorpio is about showing up and confronting our emotional attachments to the areas where we feel disempowered. It can be a problematic alignment. Mars is an explosive, impatient energy, and Pluto carries profound emotional limitations that are on the subconscious level. It is hard work. It requires us to look at ourselves truthfully. Why have we placed the control outside ourselves? What fears do we hold that keep us in a state of disempowerment? Flare-ups may happen as we begin the process of exposing these underlying attachments. This type of square is called a crisis in consciousness square. It means that we are starting the process of breaking free from the emotional limitations that have kept us disempowered as we journey back to our authority. First, we must expose them.
Saturn ® 0 degrees Pisces
Saturn has traversed back to the beginning of Pisces and is still retrograde for a few more weeks. It affects Venus, Mercury, South Node, Uranus, Chiron, and the New Moon. The function of Saturn in Pisces is to dissolve old structures that no longer serve us in our evolution. We experience this energy as a loss of meaning with the old, worn-out systems in our lives, a job, school, a relationship, etc. It is creating space for the new beginnings that are upon us.
Neptune ® Pisces inconjunct the New Moon Libra
When Neptune is retrograde, we are experiencing an acceleration of our connection to Source for ourselves. There is a dissolution of forms and boundaries in our reality that once had meaning. We may need to recognize the terrain, leaving us in a space where we still determine what action to take. We will experience times of meaning and no meaning as we interface with the outer and inner realities until we can ultimately understand that meaning comes from inside ourselves through our divine connection with the Source. Neptune being inconjunct to the south node points to a blind spot that creates a crisis between our connection to the Divine and the past way of relating to others. Ultimately, our connection to spirit is our source of inspiration. It happens through dissolving the outer structure of what has been. An inward adjustment is needed here.
Uranus Inconjunct New Moon
Uranus is inconjunct to the New Moon. It suggests that we adjust ourselves concerning how we relate to others. The inconjunct is a blind spot that we cannot yet see. We may not understand why we are having a crisis at first, but we will become aware of the reasons as the opposition forms. Uranus can bring sudden change. We may experience these as "shocks" to the nervous system that we cannot fully understand. We will make adjustments to this change on the fly to be able to cope. Ultimately, Uranus is helping us to break free of old, worn-out patterns regarding the ability to meet our needs and become more self-reliant.
Finger of God (SN, Uranus, Neptune)
The finger of God configuration is a crisis point requiring internal and external adjustment. It can produce frustration because the cause of the crises is generally unseen. Once revealed, we can make adjustments. The stress point is the vertex of the Yod (Finger of God). In this case, the above inconjuncts that require adjustment are stressing the SN in Libra. It is where we have had repeated experiences within our past way of relating to folks. This Finger of God, or Yod configuration, points us to a fork where we need to make different choices within ourselves.
Jupiter ® conjunct Uranus ® in Taurus
Jupiter is conjunct Uranus, and both are retrograde. Jupiter retrograde is about accelerating our truth concerning what we value and need. It is in a closing phase to Uranus, pointing to completing this dynamic. Believing for ourselves what our own needs are outside of the requirements that the societal norm tells us. As we break free (Uranus) from these norms, our sense of truth based on the information that we have experienced for ourselves begins to guide us.
These outer planets are the undercurrent—the unseen pressure for growth. The inner planets are most intimate with us, and we will recognize their effects more easily. Let's take a look at the inner dynamics.
New Moon in Libra Conjunct the SN, Mercury, and Mars
Most of the inner planets are in a close huddle. The New Moon represents a new cycle of self and how we express it into the world to represent our inner reality. Mercury is in a closing phase to the Sun, signifying the completion of a way of thinking about how we have previously expressed ourselves in our relationships. The SN in Libra is also in a closing phase to the New Moon. It depicts an end to the way we have previously represented ourselves. At the same time, Mars in Scorpio is in a new phase conjunction with the New Moon, pointing out a new beginning in "showing up" to empower ourselves differently. It may cause conflict as we confront our relationships in new ways. It may also feel scary, and we may experience some anxiety but show up anyway. It is the growth edge.
Venus direct in Virgo sextile to Mars and in Opposition to Saturn
Venus turned direct a little more than a month ago after a long stint in Leo, where we were accelerating and individuating personal values regarding self-actualization and living our purpose. Venus, now in Virgo, illustrates the relationship to ourselves and others and the necessary adjustments to create balance and fairness and include our purpose and self-actualization. This energy supports Mars as it begins a new action phase to empower us concerning the New Moon. Venus is Trine to Jupiter ® in Taurus, which creates a flow state between these inner adjustments, the acceleration of our truths, and what we believe our needs to be.
What does it all mean?
It means that we are in a great time of change, and the energy for empowering ourselves is intense. For the next two weeks, this powerful eclipse energy culminates the past way we have related to others as it prepares us for future growth. It incorporates our innate connection to the Source. Through that inner guidance, we are learning to find personal authorship to create our reality, to believe our truth, and to discern our own needs while integrating a new direction in self-exploration. It does feel uncomfortable. We are taking a step forward to confront our emotional limitations and to align emotionally with divine inspiration.
Earlier in the year, we confronted and attuned to our individual needs. Mid-year, we began the process of integrating them into our relationships. We've recently been through an adjustment period. Now, we are at a place where we are culminating our past thought patterns and beginning a new phase of inner and outer self that relates differently to the outside world.
We are learning how to meet our needs within our relationships.
This Full moon in Libra is powerful due to the increased energy of the Eclipse. It is culminating the past and preparing us for the future. Mars brings in a new phase of exposing deep subconscious emotional attachments. This powerful explosive energy is brought to the surface so that we can see it and then work toward transmuting it. It is hard work for all of us, yet necessary for our evolution. Take time to breathe to calm your emotions and regulate your nervous system. When crises arise, contemplate their source within yourself and focus on the inner and outer adjustments needed to change how we relate to the external world.